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    Actor. Multidisciplinary Artist. Educator.

    Yazid Jalil

  • About Yazid

    Yazid trained at the Intercultural Theatre Institute (formerly known as the Theatre Training and Research Programme), École Philippe Gaulier (Paris), and has a First Class Honours Degree from the University of Essex.


    He has worked in over 60 professional theatrical productions as an actor, writer, director, and deviser over the last two decades. His work as an artist and educator has brought him to India, Japan, and Taiwan. He is currently an adjunct lecturer at Lasalle College of the Arts and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. As a teaching-artist, Yazid values sincerity, sharing of joy, and collaboration above all else. He hopes to empower more youths with agency and critical thinking through theatre education. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Arts Pedagogy and Practice.



    Best Supporting Actor (Nomination), 11th Life! Theatre Awards, Charged, (Teater Ekamatra,2011).

    Best Ensemble (Nomination), 12th Life! Theatre Awards, Pretty Things (Patricia Toh & The Substation, 2012).

    Best Performance (Nomination), 3rd Singapore Short Film Awards, Love in Any Genre (SmartMat Film Production,2012).

    Best Ensemble (Nomination), It Won't Be Too Long: The Cemetery (Drama Box & SIFA, 2015).

  • Testimonials (Educator)

    "I am delighted to wholeheartedly recommend Yazid Jalil, a talented actor, director, theatre deviser, and educator. As his former teacher and thesis supervisor at LASALLE College of the Arts, I have witnessed firsthand his exceptional skills and dedication to his craft.

    Yazid's versatility is evident in his ability to excel in various roles. Whether he's leading an acting class, directing a production, or collaborating with arts organisations, he consistently brings a strong pedagogical perspective and a commitment to excellence. His pedagogical approach is particularly impressive, as he skilfully adapts his teaching methods to cater to students of all ages and skill levels. 

    Beyond his teaching, Yazid is a thoughtful and collaborative artist. Wherever he is, he creates a positive and inspiring learning environment, encouraging his students and colleagues to explore their creative potential. I have witnessed his genuine care for his students and his ability to make complex concepts accessible and engaging.

    I have no doubt that Yazid would be an invaluable asset to any drama programme or collaboration. His passion, talent, and dedication make him an exceptional teacher, mentor, and collaborator."


    -Dr Woo Yen Yen, Creative Educator and Cultural Designer

    “Yazid has a secure and grounded countenance about him. He is generous with his knowledge and encourages us to share our own as well, while ensuring that the class is a safe space for everyone. Although the training form was new to me, the lessons were scaffolded enough that I could understand the concepts and still have space to try something new. I enjoyed his sessions thoroughly."


    -Andrea Ee, Development Executive

    Yazid has been a very professional teacher who carries a deep respect and focus on his work. His keen sense of observation has helped me to identify many areas of my bodily movements which I had not been previously aware of. There is always a structure to his classes which I enjoy as it helps me to understand the content that he is teaching. It has indeed been a very insightful experience and I do hope to be able to attend his classes again in the future."

    -Cheryn Ng, Freelance Actress

    "Yazid was highly focused in his facilitation of drama, which helped to anchor my own focal point as a performer during the workshop. Every exercise felt well-planned and purposeful, and I could feel myself growing in my craft. As we progressed further, Yazid would suggest things for us to try out, which challenged me to go outside of my comfort zone in a good way. Yazid would show joy and enthusiasm at the little breakthroughs and revelations we made along the way, and this was a constant source of motivation to give my best. What made this workshop really stand out to me was Yazid's perceptiveness and experience. He knew when to give appropriate instructional cues and how to work with the different performers in the space, which deepened the learning experience for me. It also helped that he was open to questions and could answer them with great insight. I have taken away so much from this workshop. Thanks Yazid!"

    -Lionel Foon, Arts Educator

    "Yazid was very clear and efficient in his communication, which made it easy for us to grasp the significance of the exercises and connect the dots between our experience and the philosophy of neutral mask. Definitely no attempts to mystify anything — even if some things are best discovered ourselves, Yazid will patiently explain with his own examples to address our questions. I also felt the pace of the class and his efficiency allowed us to focus on the work without spending time beating ourselves up, making excuses, or worrying, or planning. Sometimes in a class where you have to keep creating and exploring, it can get stressful because you want to keep “achieving” something, but Yazid also created a really free, non-judgemental space where he affirmed discoveries and open attitudes, rather than being dismissive when we didn’t discover anything or weren’t aware. I felt energised at the end of every class, no matter how much stress I had carried into class at the beginning. Yazid also encouraged a spirit of generous sharing from observers by making sure to stay present and observant himself, and also by demonstrating to us potential directing options if we were to organise such a generative process ourselves."


    -Heng Jia Min, Theatre Practitioner


    "I oversaw Yazid's Introduction to Physical Theatre workshop as part of a theatre module for adult learners. Yazid worked well in aligning his experience to the needs of the programme and its learners. He showed professionalism, was open to suggestions and produced aesthetically pleasing work. I look forward to working and collaborating with him in the future."


    -Peggy Ferroa, Community Artist and Arts Educator.

    "I highly recommend doing the 1-1 audition prep class with Yazid. Having years of experience in the theatre industry, he shared insider tips and knowledge as well as helped me prepare on what to expect, tools I can use and practical tips on how to successfully approach your audition. The three hours was packed with personalised coaching and information as he was able to help me see what I needed to work on as well as highlight what i am doing good so that I can continue to grow those skills. As a teacher, he is very invested in my growth and success as a performer and I feel extremely supported working with him as a coach/teacher. I also managed to book a show and go through successfully through many auditions to the callback stages with the tools learnt! I only see myself growing and getting better with his guidance. I highly recommend his training for anyone who wants to improve their skills in auditioning or who want a trustworthy guide who will help them in this journey as a performer.  

    -Shanice Stanislaus, Multidisciplinary Artist and Art-maker

    "I had a great time attending Yazid's Le Jeu workshop in 2013 and also his workshop on Introduction to Physical Theatre in 2018. He not only created a safe space for us to explore movements but also guided us through exercises and application of what we have learned. I really appreciate the way he taught and how the classes were held. He was not only clear and structured in his teaching but also gave us space to explore and discover what Physical Theatre meant for ourselves. I would definitely be back for more workshops to continue honing my skills as an Actor. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, Yazid!"


    -Joel Low, Actor

    “I am a professional opera singer and I came across Yazid’s class a few years back. It was an Introduction to Physical Theatre workshop. I felt it was a really valuable skill as a fellow theatre practitioner to learn all these stagecraft. Applicable to anyone who needs to be on stage. Yazid is a consummate teacher and performer and it’s never a boring day in class with him. Intense, energetic and knowledgeable. I would highly recommend Yazid’s programme to anyone in any field of theatre practice.”


    -Christina The, Opera Singer.

    “I took Yazid's Introduction to Physical Theatre workshop and I enjoyed it very much. There is a good variety in the content and techniques taught. Apart from performance, he also introduced basic safety techniques to carry a fellow actor or how to fall safely. Yazid is encouraging and patient and anyone would benefit from his experience. “


    -Isaac Tan, Theatre Practitioner.

    “I took Yazid’s movement and Le Jeu workshop. He is a very disciplined practitioner and has high regard and respect for his craft. He brings this high level of focus and intentionality into the classroom, which makes a world of a difference to the learning experience, as it sets the tone for the other practitioners (students) in the room, which can make or break a training experience. I can’t tell you how many amateurish settings I’ve been in - regardless of the qualification of the teacher or the techniques taught - whereby the attitude and lack of focus and professionalism in the room takes away from the potential of the class. Serious students will not be disappointed. He is precise in his craft and teaching and clear in his instructions. This is something that I really respect about Yazid as an artist. This discipline grounds us in technique, so we are able to play with the utmost mastery and freedom when it comes time for us to create and improvise. Contrary to stereotypes, while he is disciplined in practice, he is not militaristic in his approach - he is gentle and encouraging as a teacher. I would recommend Yazid to anybody interested in the theatre or performing arts.”


    -Yulin Ng, Actor and Creator.

    “I took Yazid's Stage Combat workshop. Yazid taught at a great pace, managing to accommodate those with experience moving their bodies and those trying out stage combat for the first time. He catered to each person in the room, ensuring safety and comfort for all. I highly recommend Yazid to anyone interested in learning more about theatre or the performing arts, regardless of their skill level.”


    -Myle Yan Tay, Theatre Maker

    "I took Yazid's Introduction to Physical Theatre workshop back in 2018 and the discoveries I made during class are those that I continue to hold on tightly. I thoroughly appreciated the thoughtful structure of the workshop where it was a good blend of guided exercises, experimentation, play, and structured improvisation. Some of the exercises that Yazid had introduced to me are still incorporated as part of my practice and part of what I teach to my own student actors. I definitely recommend it to anyone interested in developing awareness of their own body and making new discoveries about themselves - not just as performing actors but as bodies in space."


    -Shannen Tan, Actress and Theatre Practitioner

    “I took Yazid’s Introduction to Physical Theatre workshop back in 2018. It was insightful, well-paced and goal-oriented. Yazid's patience, dedication and passion for his craft is unparalleled and personable. I left the class having forged friendships with the other attendees while having learnt about movement in a safe and favourable environment. Not to forget, Yazid's approachable personality made it easy as an attendee to pose questions and maintain a level of curiosity and deep thought throughout the course. I highly recommend Yazid to anybody interested in the theatre or performing arts and discovering how your body moves.“


    Ronald Goh, Actor/Singer-songwriter and Music Journalist

    “Yazid took me through the Introduction to Movement Workshop. As an anxious and self-conscious student, being placed in a new environment filled with unfamiliar faces can be very daunting. Thankfully, Yazid created a very supportive atmosphere where failure was not merely expected but welcomed. He was also highly patient and intuitive, giving very specific and tailored feedback to ensure that each of us improved throughout the workshop. Highly recommended!”


    -Fadhil Daud, Theatre Practitioner.

    "I attended Yazid's Introduction to Movement Workshop where he covered various techniques and movement vocabularies, ranging from Corporeal Mime to psychophysical acting techniques. His workshop was informative and enriching, and lessons were delivered in an engaging manner that is, at the same time, mindful of the different skill levels and backgrounds of the students. Yazid is a friendly and knowledgeable instructor, and is incredibly generous in his sharing of experiences and information. I've benefited tremendously from his teachings and have gone on to utilize the techniques learnt in my work ever since. I highly recommend Yazid to anybody who is interested in furthering their craft in the theatre or performing arts."


    -Hu Yuheng, Artist

    “我在2016年參與了Yazid 的肢體聲音與動能工作坊,從火水風等元素中練習了如何驅動自己的身體,透過風之舞培養了呼吸的協調和默契,非常推薦 Yazid 的教學,可以從中清楚地獲得大量益於表演的引導。"


    -Lin Chien Hsin, Taiwan-based Actor

    “I took Yazid’s Stage Combat workshop. It was fun, interesting, and his sharing that time was clear to me. I highly recommend Yazid to anybody interested in the theatre or performing arts.”


    -Rhian Hiew, Malaysia-based Theatre Maker.

    “I took Yazid's Stage Combat Workshop. There were about 15-20 students in the workshop, but he made sure that every single one of us was attended to. He is an expert in stage combat and taught a great deal in the 3-hour session. Above all, his workshop was extremely fun. I highly recommend Yazid to anybody interested in learning stage combat.”

    -Kenny Seethoo, Student Actor.

    “I took part in the Unarmed Stage Combat workshop organised by Yazid Jalil. It was a fun and interesting experience. As someone with martial arts experience, it was interesting to see the Movements being translated from a practical (martial arts) to a theatrical setting. I highly recommend anyone keen to learn Stage Combat to try out Yazid's workshop.”


    -Shah Hudlin

  • Promotions!

    Nervous during auditions? Can’t get your heart rate to slow down? No idea of what to expect? -Learn what to be aware of during a theatre audition. -Learn what directors are looking for in stage actors. -Prepare a monologue, create a physical score, and practice sight reading. -Experience a mock...
  • Theatre Works

    Selected theatre works.

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    The Flour People

    By LASALLE College of the Arts, Masters in Arts Pedagogy and Practice.



    Photo Credit: Tawfiq Ismail


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    By The LASALLE Show, Masters in Arts Pedagogy and Practice.




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    The Gaza Monologues

    By Lepak Conversations.




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    By The Necessary Stage &

    M1 Fringe Festival



    Photo Credit: Tuckys Photography


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    Puppet Origin Stories: 
    Persona Paradox

    By The Finger Players


    An Octopus, A Cat, and A Dog Walk Into a Barre... (Directed by Rizman Putra)

    Photo Credit: Crispian Chan



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    Albizia-An Immersive Performance Installation

    By Robert Zhao & The Esplanade



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    Angels in Disguise

    By The Finger Players




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    Loyal and True

    Reflections at Bukit Chandu, 2023

    Photo Credit: Gloria Tan



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    Puppet Origin Stories: Ah Ma

    By The Finger Players




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    What is Thy Bidding?

    Part of The Substation's Sept Fest Fringe




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    Displaced Persons' Welcome Dinner

    By Checkpoint Theatre.

    2019- Singapore International Festival of Arts.


    Photo by Joel Lim, Calibre Pictures.

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    Legends of Singapore

    @Gardens By The Bay

    By Dick Lee Asia.




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    Shadows In The Walls

    By Ground Z-0.

    2019 -Part of the Singapore Light to Night Festival.



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    La Mariposa Borracha (The Drunken Butterfly) 

    By Creatives In Spirit

    2019- Part of the Gateway Arts Festival



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    Four Horse Road

    By The Theatre Practice.




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    The Malay Man and His Chinese Father

    By Akulah Bimbo Sakti.

    Directed by Effendy Ibrahim.

    2018-International Festival of Kerala.
    2016-Goodman Arts Centre.
    2015-M1 Singapore Fringe Festival.

    Photo Credit: Shawn Byron Danker.

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    By Drama Box and The Necessary Stage.



    Photo Credits: Crispian Chan.


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    When We Dead Awaken

    By Shankar Venkateswaran, ITI.



    Photo by: Bernie Ng (MsBernPhotography)



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    Itsy The Musical

    By The Finger Players.



    Photo Credits: Tucky's Phtotgraphy.

    from:The Platform

    By Chowk Productions.

    2017-Esplanade's Kalaautsavam Festival.



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    By Daniel Kok.

    2017- Singapore International Festival of Arts.



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    By The Necessary Stage and Hanchuyuei.


    -Singapore: TNS Theatre.

    -Yokohama: Wakabacho Wharf.


    Photo Credit: Tuckys Photography.




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    The Lord of The Flies

    By Sightlines Productions and Blank Space Theatre.

    2016- Singapore International Festival of Arts.


    Photo Credits: Mark Wee.

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    By Wild Rice.

    2016- Singapore Theatre Festival. 

    Photo credits: 36frames



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    It Won't Be Too Long

    By Drama Box.

    2015- Singapore International Festival of Arts.

    -Nominated for Best Ensemble at the 16th LIFE Theatre Awards.

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    The Blind Age

    By Chowk Productions.

    2015- Esplanade's Kalaa Utsavam Festival.

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    Decimal Points 810

    By Cake Theatre.




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    Joget, Abang Joget

    By Akulah Bimbo Sakti.

    2014- M1 Singapore Fringe Festival.

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    Pretty Things

    By The Substation and Patricia Toh.

    2012- Nominated for Best Ensemble at the 13th LIFE Theatre Awards.



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    Decimal Points 5.1

    By Cake Theatre.




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    By Teater Ekamatra.

    2011- Singapore Man Theatre Festival.

    2010 -Nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 11th LIFE! Theatre Awards.

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    Merah Pawana

    By Teater Ekamatra.


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    I, Bose

    By Aagni Koothu.




  • Theatre Works- Theatre for Young Audiences

    Selected theatre works.

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    The Tree of Dreams

    By Children's Museum Singapore

    Part of Singapore Night Festival




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    The Bird, the Squirrel and the Sambar Deer of Bukit Larangan

    By Children's Museum Singapore




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    Just Teddy

    By The Kueh Tutus


    2020- Part of The Weekend at the Artground programme.

    2019- Part of the Just Teddy NLB tour.

    2018- Part of Singapore Writers Festival




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    The Dragon's Dentist

    By Esplanade Playtime




    Fatimah and Her Magic Socks

    By Esplanade Playtime




    The Bird Who Was Afraid of Heights

    By Esplanade Playtime

    2016, 2018



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    Grandpa Cherry Blossom

    By Esplanade Playtime




  • Screen works

    Selected screen works.

    Chomp It!

    By Emoumie Pictures (2023)


    International Film Festival Rotterdam 2023 - World Premiere
    New Directors/New Films 2023 (MoMA and Film at Lincoln Center)
    Palm Springs International ShortFest 2023
    Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg 2023
    Melbourne International Film Festival 2023
    Uppsala Film Festival 2023
    BAFICI (Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival) 2023
    FEST – New Directors New Films Festival 2023
    Encounters Film Festival 2023
    Norwegian Short Film Festival 2023
    Guanajuato International Film Festival 2023
    Concorto Film Festival 2023
    Silhouette Film Fest 2023
    Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival 2023
    L'Etrange Festival 2023
    San Diego Asian Film Festival 2023
    SLASH Filmfestival 2023
    Adelaide Film Festival 2023

    Jogjakarta-Netpac Asian Film Festival 2023


    The Exchange

    A short film directed by Yazid Jalil.


    A short film by Sanif Olek. Commissioned as part of Cine 65.

    The Usual

    A short film by Sanif Olek. Commissioned as part of Cine 65.

    The Line

    A short film directed by Cheng Shian Wen.


    Love In Any Genre

    A short film directed by Suffian Zain.


    Yazid nominated for Best Performance at the 3rd Singapore Short Film Awards.

    Tak Dong Cheng

    A short film directed by Suffian Zain.


    The Hunters of Xuan Wu

    A short film directed Matt Bowyer.


    The Loop

    A short video made for the Substation's Isolation Web Series.


  • Commercials

    Commercials, advertisements and voice over works.

    No Writer, No Script (Advert)

    By Screen Writer's Association of Singapore.




  • Voice Acting

    Voice acting and voice over works.

    Sacred Guardians (Audio Drama)

    By TokuAsia and Asiapac Books


    Voiced the Character of Sacred Guardian Singa



    Budget 2015 Booklet (voiceover)

    By www,gov.sg




    Budget 2015 Booklet (voiceover)

    By www,gov.sg




  • Upcoming Works

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    Puppet Origin Stories

    @ ONE-TWO-SIX:

    Temporary Occupation


    Once a school, a World War II shelter, and now a house for arts companies, ONE-TWO-SIX CairnhillArts Centre is a time capsule of stories intertwined with Singapore’s historical landscape over the past century.


    In 2024, The Finger Players presents Puppet Origin Stories @ ONE-TWO-SIX: TemporaryOccupation, the third instalment of the company’s annual offering at their artistic home. With CoreTeam Member Chong Tze Chien as the Dramaturg and Curator, Temporary Occupation pays homage to the transient lives, stories, and moments that have shaped the common narratives of the space. He is joined by lead artists Sound Designer and Composer Ng Jing, Movement Artist and Dancer MaYanling, and Theatremaker Edith Podesta, who will transform the heritage building into an artistic playground, reflecting themes of personal and urban history, birth and aging, and the impermanence of art–everything transient and in between.


    Dates: 20-24 November 2024 | 8pmVenue:ONE-TWO-SIX Cairnhill Arts Centre, 126 Cairnhill Road S229707






  • Workshops

    List of workshops available for booking. Email for enquiry!

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    Introduction to Mask

    Limited to 14 participants only

    Email: Admin@EncounterTheatre.Co

    Enquire now for student discounts.

    30 November 2024

    (Saturday) 3 pm - 6 pm

    Venue: Intercultural Theatre Institute


    In this three-hour taster workshop, experience neutral masks, larval masks and contemporary character masks. Learn fundamental mask techniques, and understand the context of mask work in terms of actor training. Challenge your body and explore characters. Work in small groups as you create short scenes with these wonderful masks! Suitable for students and beginner performers.


    Yazid is an artist and educator. He teaches theatre as an adjunct lecturer at Lasalle College of the Arts and the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. In the past 2 decades, he has served in more than 60 theatrical productions as an actor, writer, director, and devising collaborator. Yazid trained at the Intercultural Theatre Institute and the École Phillipe Gaulier. (www.yazidjalil.com)


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    (Macau) Neutral Masks and Le Jeu: Understanding Play and Performance in Theatre

    Duos and small group classes are also available.

    travellingshowntheatre📃Workshop Introduction:

    Targeted at performers who are new to theatre, it aims to inspire students to experience theater performance training in a way that "integrates body and mind".


    The content mainly combines Jacques LeCoq's LeJeu (The Game) and neutral mask training to guide participants to discover the actor's body and its application in performance creation.


    Participants will also experience physical exercises from different training systems and apply these techniques to text creation. Finally, a short presentation created by the collective will be showed to invited guests.

    🧔🏾‍♂Instructor: Yazid Jalil (Singapore)

    **Taught in English, with Cantonese interpreter on site

    🔗Registration link: https://bit.ly/dirks-MasqueNeutre

    🗓️Date: June 7-12, 14-17, 2024 (10 days in total)

    🕰️Time: 19:30-22:30

    📍Venue: Room B, Xiaojiao Art Center (Block A, 3rd Floor, Hopewell Industrial Building, Admiral Avenida, Macau)

    💵Fee: regular price - Mop1,500, early bird discount - Mop1,100 (register before May 30), two people traveling together - Mop2,400

    Neutral Mask for Actor Training

    In this five-session workshop, experience mask training from a Lecoq perspective. We take away your face so you learn how to harness the body in acting. Awaken a different voice. Discover characters when you unmask. We will play with elemental, material, and animal work. In the fifth session, participants may invite selected guests to view their pieces. Suitable for beginners and students.

    Masks For Performance

    In this five-session workshop, experience larval masks as it disorientates your perception of time and space. Challenge your body and dwell in the unspoken as the character full-mask come alive. Unleash ridiculous fun sounds and create voices inspired by your character half-masks. Have fun in small groups as you create short scenes with these wonderful masks. In the fifth session, participants may invite selected guests to view their pieces. Suitable for beginners and students.

    Acting Without Words: An Exploration of Performing Narratives Through Physicality

    In this five-session workshop, participants will be challenged to use their bodies to explore narratives. Expect a blend of intense physical theatre training from multiple disciplines. Learn techniques that can be ‘naturalized’ and used for stage or screen. Work in small groups and discover composition in performance. In the fifth session, participants may invite selected guests to view their pieces.

    Acting Violent: An Intimate Excavation of Violence Using Stage Combat Techniques

    This five-session workshop explores how to navigate intense scenes with physical violence with an emphasis on safety. Yes, slapping, dragging, and strangling (for example) can be done without discomfort. Expect to go through a stage combat training regime including both armed and unarmed practices. In pairs, explore scene work and choreography. In the fifth session, participants may invite selected guests to view their pieces. Adults of any age may apply.


    Encounter the Monologue Workshop

    Small classes of 6 and below.

    For actors, the monologue is key to getting through auditions. In this workshop, get a hands-on approach to tackling a chunk of text in a systematic way.

    This workshop is suitable for beginners.


    Session 1

    Learn to analyze monologues as a group. Learners will study and dissect a short text in a step-by-step manner.


    Session 2

    Experience the pressure of getting a last-minute audition monologue.


    Session 3

    Bring your choice of text and prepare to perform them.


    Session 4

    Present your monologues to an invited audience. Share your process.


    For more information please contact: encounter.theatre.sg@gmail.com


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    Movement for Actors

    Suitable for 8-20 persons.

    Learn the fundamentals of movement in relation to the stage actor. Study the importance of body structure, breath, time and space.

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    Introduction to Physical Theatre

    Suitable for 8-20 persons.

    Learn how to use your body as a starting point to create. This workshop is taught from many points of view, drawing inspirations from Mime, various Asian art forms and Neutral Mask inspired techniques.

    Introduction to Stage Combat - Unarmed

    Suitable for 6-12 persons.

    Raise the stakes in this very physical workshop. Learn how to choreograph a compelling and dangerous looking scene whilst being in an absolutely safe environment.

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    Introduction to Acting for Stage

    Suitable for groups lesser than 20.

    Learn the fundamentals of stage acting from a psycho-physical starting point. This workshop is taught from many perspective, drawing inspirations from LeCoq, Gaulier, Stanislavsky and Grotowski.

    Solo Coaching

    Duos and small group classes are also available.

    Need help with an audition? Want to work on a particular aspect of your acting? Need training ideas? Need some help navigating a new piece of work? This solo class can be tailor-made to your needs.